Proposed Amendments Presented in June 2019
Berkeley Place
Association Bylaws
Article I – Name
The name of the organization is the Berkeley Place Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association or BPA). It is incorporated as a 501(c) (4) non-profit organization. The mailing address shall be the post office box: P.O. Box 11447, Fort Worth, TX 76110. The Board may designate another location at its discretion.
ARTICLE II – Purpose
The purpose of the Association is to promote neighborhood unity, civic spirit and good will among area residents; to protect and promote the interests of residents; to promote the improvements of public facilities and services; and to interact with government agencies and other civic public organizations for the advocacy and general welfare of the residents of Berkeley Place.
ARTICLE III – Boundaries
Precise boundaries are as follows:
To the North: Park Place East and West of Forest Park Boulevard.
To the East: Stanley Avenue and Warner Road where Stanley Avenue ends.
To the West: Park Place.
To the South: Ward Parkway and the cul-de-sacs of Warner Road and Stanley Avenue.
ARTICLE IV – Membership
Every adult (18 years or older) who resides in a residential household within the Association boundaries is considered a member of the Association. However, each household has only one vote. The annual Association dues must be paid on a current basis to be eligible to vote.
Section 1. Annual dues are collected on the following basis:
Collection begins January 1 – the start of the Associations’ fiscal year.
Annual dues are set as a matter of policy by the Executive Committee with the approval of the membership.
Membership dues are voluntary but non-refundable.
Members who have paid are considered “in good standing” and eligible to vote for that fiscal year.
ARTICLE VI – Sources of Revenue
Section 1. Annual dues collection begins in January and should be paid by April 30. Members may not vote in that fiscal year until they have paid dues.
Section 2. BPA may engage in fundraising activities related to its purposes. The Executive Committee may accept on behalf of the Association any ad revenue, contribution, gift bequest or device for the general purpose of the Association.
Section 3. The President shall, in concert with the Vice President and Executive Committee, prepare an annual budget for the Association. The budget will cover the fiscal year, January 1 through December 31. The budget will show estimates of the revenues from all sources for the fiscal year and show proposed expenditures of various types for the uses of the revenue. The budget shall be presented to the membership at the October meeting and voted on at the November meeting.
ARTICLE VII – Policies
Section 1. The BPA shall be a nonpartisan organization and shall not support candidates for public office. The Association may take positions on issues. All action appropriate to promote an approved BPA position must be authorized by Executive Committee before the President or the President’s representative may so act.
Section 2. Elected officials representing the BPA area may be allowed to make presentations at regularly scheduled or special called meetings.
Section 3. The Association shall never be operated for the primary purpose of profit and no part of its earnings or membership fees shall be used to the benefit of private individuals.
Section 4. Charitable donation consistent with the purposes of the BPA may be considered and approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 5. The BPA’s monthly newsletter shall not accept advertisements that endorse political candidates or religious entities.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the BPA shall be held monthly with the exception of December and June on a day designated from time to time by the President or Executive Committee. Special meetings may be called by the President or Executive Committee. Written notification of meetings shall be provided to all members at least five (5) days in advance either by signs, flyer, neighborhood newsletter or Internet site.
Section 2. The members in good standing present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for voting purposes.
Section 3. The Executive Committee shall meet as required – usually at the monthly meeting.
Section 4. Speakers are by invitation only at the monthly meetings.
ARTICLE IX – Executive Committee
Section 1. The four (4) elected officers and the immediate Past President shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Association.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall supervise the affairs of the Association in accordance with its stated purposes and policies; transact any business between meetings of the Association and report thereon at the next meeting; and make recommendations to the general membership on matters before the Association.
ARTICLE X – Officers
Section 1. The officers of the BPA shall be the President, Vice President (President Elect), Secretary, Treasurer, and directors at large as needed.
Section 2. Officers shall assume their duties in January and shall serve for two (2) years until their successors are duly elected. Officers may not be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 3. Any member in good standing with the BPA is eligible for election to office.
Section 4. Officers shall be elected at the November meeting by a simple majority vote of members present.
Section 5. Only one person in a BPA household may hold office at a time. Family members may not hold office or be on the executive committee concurrently.
Section 6. The Executive Committee shall present a slate of one or more nominees for each office one month prior to voting. Nominations from the floor shall be allowed at this time also. Officers shall be elected at this meeting.
Section 7. Vacancies in office shall be handled as follows:
A. In the event the President is unable to complete his/her term, the Vice President (President Elect) shall become the President for the unexpired portion of the term.
B. Vacancies in offices other than the President shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Executive Committee.
C. Unexplained absences as determined by the Executive Committee from three (3) consecutive meetings shall constitute a vacancy of office.
Section 8. Upon retirement from office, each officer shall deliver to his/her successor all papers, records and other property belonging to the Association.
ARTICLE XI – Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall be the principal officer of the Association and shall:
A. Establish the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Association.
B. Be the sole spokesperson for BPA, except that the Executive Committee may designate another member to serve in this capacity as necessary.
C. Appoint committee members and chairmen with the approval of the Executive Committee.
D. Sign, with the Secretary or any other proper officer of the BPA authorized by the Executive Committee, all contracts and other legal documents.
E. Serve or appoint another member of the Association in good standing as the Association’s representative to the Fort Worth League of Neighborhood Associations.
F. Be empowered to vote in meetings of the general membership and the Executive Board only when necessary to break a tie vote.
Section 2. The Vice President (President Elect) shall:
A. Act as special assistant to the President and represent the President whenever so designated.
B. Be empowered to sign any documents as authorized by the Executive Committee. This may be done in the event of an emergency during the absence of the President or due to the President’s inability or refusal to act.
C. Perform all such duties as requested by the President or Executive Committee.
D. Succeed the outgoing President in January of the fiscal year.
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
A. Keep minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association.
B. Preserve in file all records of value to the Association.
C. Sign, with the President, all contracts and legal documents.
D. Conduct the correspondence of the Association.
E. Perform such other duties as requested by the President or Executive Committee.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
A. Have charge of all the funds of the BPA and their deposit in a financial institution in BPA’s name as approved by the Executive Committee.
B. Pay all bills and distribute funds as authorized by the Executive Committee.
C. Present financial status report at each meeting.
D. Maintain, in conjunction with the membership chair, a current roster indicating the name, address and telephone number of each member.
E. Keep itemized and complete records of all receipts and expenditures in a permanent file.
F. Show the President bank reports on a monthly basis.
G. Require approval signature of the President on checks for payment of invoices over $100.
H. Educate Board members and members involved in authorized purchasing on use of Tax Exempt forms.
I. Maintain tax exempt status for the Association.
J. Perform such other duties as requested by the President or Executive Committee.
Section 5. Directors at large shall:
A. Serve as chairs of standing committees as appointed by the President.
B. Provide advice and assistance in carrying out BPA activities.
C. Perform other duties as requested by the President or Executive Committee.
ARTICLE XII – Duties of Street Representatives
Section 1. This position is appointed by outgoing street rep. If position is left vacant or outgoing rep fails to appoint a successor, the President or Executive Committee may appoint an alternate volunteer.
Section 2. Monthly duties include:
A. Attend monthly BPA meetings and pass information to neighbors as necessary.
B. Deliver BPA Poobah newsletter.
C. Welcome new neighbors and provide information to association and newsletter.
D. Collect dues from neighbors.
E. Wrap and unwrap street poles on their street in December.
F. Help make and distribute “holiday baskets” in December.
G. Help coordinate a block party for their street.
H. Raise awareness of neighborhood events and civic matters pertaining to the BPA.
ARTICLE XIII – Duties of Committee Chairpersons
Section 1. Berkeley Group Email Chairperson
A. Shall coordinate and keep record of members who are currently signed up.
B. Ensure that only BPA members or individuals approved by the Executive Committee are authorized to access the group email.
C. Shall have authority to warn or remove a BPA member who abuses the group email guidelines.
Section 2. City Hall Chairperson
A. Shall attend City Hall meetings and report back pertinent information at BPA meetings.
B. Shall remind or advise the President and/or Executive Committee on matters that concern or have potential to affect BPA homeowners’ interests.
C. Will investigate as requested by the Executive Board areas of concern that are governed by City policy or law.
Section 3. League of Neighborhoods
A. Shall attend League of Neighborhood meetings regularly and report items of interest at monthly BPA meetings.
Section 4. Membership Chairperson
A. Shall maintain computer database of current members and directory information.
B. Will publish a new neighborhood directory every two years in November.
C. Will publish a list of changes to membership between directories.
Section 5. Poobah Ads
A. Shall solicit and maintain advertisers for BPA Poobah newsletter.
B. Will invoice advertisers and submit monies in timely fashion to the BPA Treasurer.
Section 6. Poobah Editor
A. Shall coordinate and collect information for monthly newsletter.
B. Will prepare a document ready for publication each month.
C. Will send and coordinate publication with printer and arrange delivery or pickup of newsletters.
D. Is responsible for editing content of newsletter, reminding contributors of deadlines, and alerting President or Executive Committee of any issues requiring Board consideration before printing.
E. Shall distribute newsletters to street reps within 48 hours of receipt from printer.
F. Will arrange distribution with another volunteer or Executive Committee if this cannot be accomplished in timely fashion.
G. Shall coordinate with BPA Treasurer on any invoices.
Section 7. Lily B. Clayton Liaison
A. Shall keep BPA informed of any school events or concerns.
B. Will act as liaison between school and BPA to ensure neighborhood awareness or support.
Section 8. Social Chair
A. Shall assemble a team for each event.
B. Shall coordinate with the President or Executive Committee regarding budget, materials, date, time and publicity for each event.
C. Shall publicize events through the Poobah, Berkeley Place email group, web site and/or flyers and street signs.
Section 9. Web Master
A. Shall maintain the BPA website – keeping information current and posting recent issues of the neighborhood Poobah newsletter.
B. Shall submit for payment any invoices required for website registration.
ARTICLE XIV – Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern proceedings of the Association.
ARTICLE XV – Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting, provided that notice of such an amendment has been given to the membership at a previous regular meeting. A full text of such an amendment shall be published in the Poobah, on the website and on the Berkeley Place email group at least ten (10) days prior to the date the amendment will be considered.
ARTICLE XVI – Dissolution
Berkeley Place Association may be dissolved in the same manner as the procedures outlined in ARTICLE XV - Amendments, provided that the disbursement of all monies and properties be acted upon prior to dissolution, and in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act then in existence or other applicable law.
ADOPTED by a majority vote of the membership at the regular scheduled meeting held on the 8th day of August, 2019.
______________________ _______________________
President Vice-President
Darien George Steve Scanlon